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€1.17bn allocated to Arts, Sport and Media in budget

By October 16, 2023No Comments

The Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, Catherine Martin has announced details of the €1.17 billion in funding allocated to the department in Budget 2024.

Measures include a €1.9m pilot initiative to support regional arts infrastructure to meet their building and equipment needs, increased funding for national sporting organisations and for high-performance athletes in an Olympic year, investment in Irish language skills among teachers and early years educators and increased funding of €4.8m to TG4.

There will be €134m for the Arts Council, a doubling of funding for women in sport and support for the tourism sector.

At a post-budget briefing today, Ms Martin said that RTÉ will receive €16m in additional funding.

She said the Government advisory agency NewERA had identified a figure of €61m linked to the drop-off in licence fee revenue and had recommended €40m in additional funding for RTÉ to cover some of that shortfall.

The Minister said that money won’t be paid until she has seen a strategic plan from the broadcaster which is due to be completed in the coming weeks.

“Budget 2024 maintains and increases funding across a wide range of key initiatives,” Ms Martin said.

“Our support for artists and arts workers continues, with increased funding for the Arts Council and Culture Ireland, as well as ongoing support for Creative Ireland and the Basic Income for the Arts Pilot Research Scheme,” she added.

Minister of State for Sport Thomas Byrne said there would be increased funding of €2m for women in sport.

“2024 is an Olympic year and I am announcing a €1m increase in funding for our high-performance programme, as we look to support our athletes on the road to Paris, and continue to develop the coaching and pathways support envisaged in our National High Performance Strategy,” Mr Byrne said.

“In recognition of the increasing pressures that our sporting organisations are under, I am announcing €2m in additional core funding to support them in carrying out their valuable work.”

“Additional funds will also be provided to Sport Ireland to progress the National Sports Policy and to support programmes which assist those with a disability and the most disadvantaged in our society to actively participate in sport,” he added.

Article Source: €1.17bn allocated to Arts, Sport and Media in budget – Brian O’Donovan – RTE

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